Tuesday, 24 May 2022

Week of May 22-27

K3 English Communication Sheet, May 22-27

þ SuperKids Conversation Book: Review, pages 70-71

þ Vocabulary words:  Review, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty 

þ Learn English with Dora:  Seasons, pages 76-77

þ Vocabulary words: spring, summer, fall, winter, mittens shorts

This week in SuperKids we reviewed asking where are things in the classroom, what after school classes we're going to and what our classmates are doing.   We also spent some time learning about prepositions (in, on, under, in front of, behind, next to). 

This week in Dora we started a new unit reviewing seasons and clothing.

Phrases to practice at home:

Where are the scissors?  They're on the table.

Where are you going?  I'm going to soccer practice.

What's Chip doing?  He's playing drums.

Where's Leo?  He's behind the chair.

Where's the monkey?  He's between the bed and the chair. 

It's spring. It's summer.

I wear mittens.    I wear shorts.


Thursday, 19 May 2022

Week of May 16-20

K3 English Communication Sheet, May 16-20

þ SuperKids Conversation Book: Class Party, pages 68-69

þ Vocabulary words: reading a book, watching TV, markers, under, table, spell, goodbye, present, pin, run, gum, cup, cake, hit 

þ Learn English with Dora:  My Room, pages 74-75

þ Vocabulary words: sleepover, house, bring, pillow, fun

This week in SuperKids we reviewed units 7, 8, and 9.  We reviewed art class, after school activities, and things we do in a class party. 

This week in Dora we sang a song about sleepovers and reviewed my room.  

Phrases to practice at home:

Where are the scissors?  They’re in the box.

Where are you going?  I’m going to judo class.

What’s Mojo doing? He’s drinking juice. 

Where’s the pillow?  It’s on the bed.

Where’s the blanket?  It’s in the closet.


Thursday, 12 May 2022

Week of May 9-13

K3 English Communication Sheet, May 9-13

þ SuperKids Conversation Book: Class Party, pages 66-67

þ Vocabulary words: name, board game, cake, make the bed, pencil case, vase 

þ Learn English with Dora:  My Room, pages 72-73

þ Vocabulary words: packing, sleepover, Grandma, blowing, lake, forest, hill, pajamas, puppy, bunny, strawberry, parents

This week in SuperKids we reviewed the phonics blend for –ame, -ake, -ase words.  We also practiced asking what someone is doing. 

This week in Dora we went on an adventure with Swiper.  Boots and Dora work with Swiper to help get his things back.  We also talked about asking for permission from your teachers or parents.

Phrases to practice at home:

The board game is on the bed.

That’s my pencil case.

My name is on the vase.

What’s Mojo doing?  He’s drinking juice.

What’s Toni doing?  She’s eating a snack.

Thursday, 5 May 2022

Week of May 2-6

K3 English Communication Sheet, May 2-6

þ SuperKids Conversation Book: Class Party, pages 64-65

þ Vocabulary words: pick up, put away, sweep, wipe, erase, turn off 

þ Learn English with Dora:  My Room, pages 70-71

þ Vocabulary words: blanket, bed, pillow, shelf, lamp, closet

This week in SuperKids we continued learning about cleaning up after a class party.  We also practiced asking what someone is doing. 

This week in Dora we also started a new unit about things in my room. We also learned about how to ask where things are in our room.  

Phrases to practice at home:

He's drinking juice.

What’s Toni doing?  She's feeding the hamster. 

Where's the lamp?  It's on the shelf.

Where’s the pillow?  It’s on the bed.

Dec 16th-20th

  K3 English Communication Sheet, Dec 16th-20th +    Dora      Student Book 3: pages 34-35 +    Dora      Activity Book 3: pages 34-35 Unit ...